And possibly against my nature, I created some kind of DnB thing. Called it Flick It, inspired by a Bic lighter, and an uber-distorted sound I made in Harmor (acting as the bass in this track) while trying to simulate guitar for some reason. Pretty incomplete if you ask me, but its something.
i thought you would work on your 5 headed dragon track?
having some cpu problems. my computer decided that it no longer wants to run things right for some reason. i cant even watch youtube without getting choppy video anymore. i'm working on getting that sorted out before i get back into any of my really high cpu load tracks. i only have a pentium 4 processor here, but i have another computer with a dual core in it and 4x the RAM that i have to get worked on, but once that happens, it will be all systems go.
you may ask "why not transfer the RAM to my current computer?"
the answer to that is, my current computer is old as dirt and only accepts DDR1 RAM, while the one i will be switching to accepts DDR2 (i think, could work with DDR3 though. but either way, i know it is above DDR1)
also, my current computer is only compatible with PATA hard drives, while the newer one is SATA. when i take it in for service, i will see about transferring the current hard drives' data in their entirety to SATA drives, and i will also have to buy at least 1 more for the new comp, so i can set it up for my DAW to pull from 2 separate hard drives, rather than just one. i am told that this will increase the speed at which the program can access the information, by dividing the work load.
I am also going to try to get a sound card put in (because there is no way in hell i'm gonna be happy with the on board one), and a new video cord that has an HDMI port.
this isn't all going to happen right away, i'm going to have to save up a little money before i can make it happen.